

"Hitchcock" (2013) - First look at Anthony Hopkins

The very first promo image for the new biopic was released. Before I saw this picture, I've never thought that there is some resemblance between Anthony Hopkins and Alfred Hitchcock. But is it that he really gained some weight or this film has a talented make-up artist, Hopkins became unrecognisable - I see only Hitchcock there.

This film is called simply "Hitchcock" and will be in cinemas in 2013. It is going to be a love story about Alfred Hitchcock and Alma Reville, his wife, who is played by Helen Mirren, while he was filming his famous "Psycho". And the rumour says that we will see Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Biel and Toni Collette among them. The director is Sacha Gervas, who is one of the screenwriters of Spielberg's "The Terminal". Also the biopic is based on a book by Stephen Rebello.

Both leading actors are the Academy Award winners, so "Hitchcock" has a good chance to become one of the critics favourite. I doubt that such cast can ruin this interesting story.

Picture - Fox Searchlight

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